Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Change comes for everyone

Change refers to an alteration in the structure or society, ie. a change in the nature, thoughts, character, behaviors or relations of a society. The philosophical idea behind change in structure refers to growth, improvement and development. Change may be driven by cultural, religious, economic, scientific or technological forces etc. Change is a field of practice and research.

Sunrise a day
As moon goes away
24 hours time
Nothing stays the same

Season come and go
Nature changes in a row
It’s seems strange
Of course, it’s change

A boy to man
A girl to woman
Nature or human
Change comes for everyone

Change is continuous
Change is something that
is due
Change is something that will come;
Change is one we must welcome!

Let changes make earth paradise
Let changes foster love of life!
Let changes improve air and soil;
Let changes better lives for all;

Let change in heart, more charity;
Let change in rules afford security;

Let change in nature, more beauty;
Let change in mankind, integrity!

Change is good if life’s better;
Change is key if life’s repair;
Change is great if helps us fare
Change is nice if it’s care

Nothing Wrong
If change for long
Change is part of life;
Change is way for life!

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